Sunday, October 12, 2008

SHHHHHHHHH, baby is sleeping!

Wouldn't you love to just plop down and be able to sleep like that?! This is Mollie Jo doing what she does best. She looked so sweet laying there i had to get a picture to show you. I have had pets,(dogs mostly) since i was a small child. My first pet was a Chihuahua named chiteeh. My sister and i used to sneek him hot dogs. We had a tabby cat named candy and later when we were teenagers we had french poodles. One was a silver french poodle named Manette and after her was Fee Fee. I had a little accident with Fee Fee though. I hate to even tell it but i will.

I was in the kitchen happily making myself a bowl of Mmmmm Mmmmmm Good, chicken noodle soup and had poured it into my bowl and was heading for the t.v. to watch my favorite after school program,( probably the brady bunch or Gilligans island) when Fee Fee jumps on me to try and get the soup. Needless to say i spilled the soup and it landed on FEE FEE! She ran around the house for a couple of minutes with noodles hanging off her butt ,but fortunatly wasnt hurt bad. My parents nearly killed me! It is a terrible story i know but anyway that is what happened. After that we had a dog named Richard Aladapo; i know your thinking what kind of name for a dog is that! Well. the dog was named after a friend i went to church with that was from Nigeria . I loved this fella and he was a good friend to my family. Richard was a character though, one day i had come home from school and my dad said Suzanne Lea, get out in that garage and see whats wrong with that crazy dog of your.. When my dad called me Suzanne Lea i new he ment business . Anyhow, Richard was rolling around moaning and howling something terrible so i went and told dad; " daddy something terrible is wrong with richard, he is crying and howling and i am afraid he is gonna die. " I am bailing like a baby at this point and begging my daddy to take him to the vet sure that my Richard is gonna die. My dad scoops him up gets in the car and heads off to the vet with Richard. Hours later daddy gets home with a strange stern look on his face and proceeds to tell us the vet did several tests, took xrays only to find out my Richard had GAS! Daddy was not a happy camper! Here he had spent alot of money only to find out it was gas!!!!!

Years later i still look back on all my beloved pets and have such wonderful memories of them but especially Richard . My gassy little poodle............

Anyway, love your pets! They give us unconditional love, and deserve our love and care........



Anonymous said...

Awwww!!! Look at sweet little Mollie Jo! She's so precious!!! La Loo Mommy! =)

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

The chicken noodle soup story is funny LOL....not so funny at the time I am sure.

I see your precious baby sleeping. They are like having an extra child, don't you think?

Thanks for visiting my blog.....I have seen your work and visited your site many times.

I admire your talents and love what you day I will own one of your goodies. I have to save a little bit now since the trailer purchase was a biggie :) Sheri

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Hi Suzanne, thanks for stopping by.
Your doggie is so peaceful looking laying there. We have 2 spoiled dogs ; a rottweiler that is a big baby and a boxer that is a real pest !

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Hi Suzanna, I love your blog!
Thank you for stopping by to visit!

Hugz, Dolly

Jacalyn @ said...

Hi Suzanne,

Great picture! I have a Mollie too but she's a Mollie Sue and is pit bull/lab mix! I too have great memories of all of my pets! keep sharing those awesome pictures.

RME Bath & Body Shop

Maree said...

You have a wonderful blog! Looks like we live in the same the "blue pictures!"

We had a Spitz, "Blondie", when I was a little girl...scared me mostly! Then we had two brown poodles forever... Cocomo and Pamano. The last dog we had until he went to doggie heaven, was a maltese, Tucker, looked like your doggie. He was on valium for awhile!;-)

You are an awesome artist!! Love your roses...beautiful!


Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

What a sweet,sweet doggy.I have a new dog also they are very precious,our pets.I bet your dad was mad,to find out ,your dog had gas,but thats Ok that showed youthat your dad cared enough for your feelings to have him checked out.I love your table ,It came out gorgeous.I haven't blogged much ,so i'm trying to catch up.Been ill.Not to worry,i'll be fine.Anyway,I'm having a naming contest on my blog,Please come and join in.Hugs Marie Antionette

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Beautiful name you left Suzanne?I will put it in the pot.Thank you

Jacalyn @ said...

Hi! I just gave you an award! Check out my blog for more details!
RME Bath & Body Shop

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

Hi Suzanne,
Cute picture! Makes you want to curl right up with her and take a nap!
Patricia :o)
PS: A couple of years ago we, too, spent several hundred dollars to have the vet tell us our dog had gas and to give her Gas-X!!!